Dr. Wang is the core member of the National Classical Swine Fever (CSF) Reference Laboratory (NCSFRL), well-known expert on CSF, dedicated to study of the prevention and control technology of CSF. She directed over 10 projects supported by national scientific technology and Ministry of Agriculture in recent years, and received ¥10 million research fund. The group has made breakthrough in CSF epidemiology, establishing information systems, diagnostic technology research and development, alternative methods for vaccine efficacy check, pathogenesis and prevention, control and eradication of CSF. Currently, the team led by Dr. Wang has established the testing methods for CSF diagnosis, epidemic surveillance, and molecular epidemiology analysis becoming one of the top CSF diagnostic laboratories in China. The team has established CSF eradication model under the national CSF and PRV integrated control program, which can be used to guide the CSF control and eradication in China. She published nearly 100 research papers and is chief editor of Swine Fever”.
王琴,女,研究员,博士,现在中国兽医药品监察所工作。2006年获得国务院特殊津贴,2007年入选新世 纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,2009年入选新中国60年畜牧兽医科技贡献奖(杰出人物)荣誉称号。王琴研究员为我国猪瘟参考实验室核心成员,国内外著名 的猪瘟研究专家,致力于猪瘟防控技术研究,近年承担近十余项国家科技支撑和农业部有关猪瘟的专项支持,获资助约1000万元。在猪瘟的流行病学、信息系统 的建立、诊断系列新技术研发、疫苗效检替代方法、致病机制研究以及猪瘟的防控与净化技术方面取得了突破性进展。目前,带领的团队在猪瘟诊断、疫情监测、分 子流行病学调查分析等所需的检测方法已经系统建立,已经成为国内建立和掌握CSF诊断技术最全的实验室之一。特别是通过“十一五”支撑计划《猪瘟、猪伪狂 犬病综合防空集成与示范》的实施,构建了符合我国国情的规模化猪场CSF和猪伪狂犬病的不同净化模式,成功地实施了猪瘟和猪伪狂犬病的净化,取得的重要创 新性成果,可用于指导我国CSF的防控和净化。获6项国家级、省部级奖励,在国内外学术刊物上发表学术论文近100篇,主编《猪瘟》著作。