The working career of Klaus-Peter Brüssow started in 1975 in the Department of Reproduction at the Research Center of Animal Production Dummerstorf, Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the (former) German Democratic Republic as a research assistant. His research interests were focused on porcine reproductive physiology. In 1998 he was habilitated at the University of Veterinary Sciences Budapest, Hungary, and in 2002 he was appointed as a professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Szent Istvan University Budapest, Hungary. Prof. Brüssow is a member of the European Embryo Transfer Society (AETE) and of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR). He is also a member of the editorial boards of five international scientific journals.His scientific results were published in more than 200 full and 150 conference paper.
Prof. Brüssow was awarded the ‘Pioneer Award’ by the European Embryo Transfer Society (AETE) in 2014 and the honorary doctorate (Dr. h.c.) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and animal Science, University of Life Sciences Poznan, Poland, in 2015.
克劳斯彼得·布鲁斯教授的职业生涯开始于1975年,那时他在(前)德意志民主共和国农业科学院生殖系动物生产研究中心做助理研究员,其研究方向集中在猪生殖生理学。1998年,他在匈牙利的布达佩斯兽医科学大学任教,并于2002年被任命为匈牙利布达佩斯森特·伊什特万大学兽医科学系的教授。布鲁斯教授是欧洲 胚胎移植协会和欧洲学会家畜繁殖的成员,也是五个国际科学期刊的编辑委员会的成员。他的科学成果发表超过200篇,另外更是有多达150篇的会议报道。在 2014年布鲁斯教授被欧洲胚胎移植协会(AETE)授予“先锋奖”,2015年波兰波兹南大学生命科学学院兽医和动物科学授予其名誉博士学位。