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Swine Industry Expo

2024 Speakers

Dr. Xiaowen Li is a professor. He is recognized as a Taishan Industry Leading Talent in Shandong Province and leads the "Innovative Team for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in Pig Herds" at Liaocheng University. He is also the head of major disease research projects at Xiajin New Hope Liuhe Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. His professional affiliations include serving as a member of the National Fourth Animal Health Standardization Committee, director of the Yangling Comprehensive Test Station of the National Pig Industry Technology System, and advisor to the expert group of the Shandong Animal Husbandry Association. Li's research focuses on the prevention, control, and eradication of major diseases such as African swine fever, the precise diagnosis and early intervention of herd diseases, and the interactions and evolution of swine pathogens and hosts. He has led numerous research projects, including the African Swine Fever Special Project under the Shandong Taishan Industry Leading Talent Program, the Ministry of Science and Technology's "Science and Technology Innovation 2030" major project, the Central Government's Local Innovation Fund Special Project, and the National Key R&D Program’s African Swine Fever Special Project. Li contributed to the formulation of industry standards such as the "Technical Guidelines for Resuming Production in Farms Infected with African Swine Fever." His work on "Regularized African Swine Fever Prevention and Control Technology" was recognized as a major new agricultural and rural promotion technology in 2021. His research on porcine epidemic diarrhea won the 2018 Morrison Science Practice Award. He has published two monographs, holds 25 patents (including 7 invention patents), and has authored or co-authored 23 SCI papers as the first or corresponding author. Additionally, he holds six software copyrights.