Dr. Richard French is the Vice President of Animal Health – Diagnostic Services for the China Area under CP Group. He is a veterinary pathologist and previously served as the Dean of the School of Animal Studies, Becker College. Dr. French acquired is DVM from the University of Illinois. He went into small animal practice for several years and then returned to academics, receiving a Masters in parasitology and a Ph.D. in neuropathology and completed a residency in anatomic pathology. Dr. French then served as a tenured faculty at the University of Connecticut and as a pathologist in the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. Dr. French later served as Director of the New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. Dr. French is a member of the USDA National Animal Health Emergency Response Corp. and has served in national and international disease outbreaks. He has served as an instructor for Foreign Animal Disease Training Course, Plum Island Animal Disease Center, New York, for the past 13 years. Dr. French’s primary interests are in emerging, zoonotic and transboundary diseases of animal and public health significance. He has numerous publications and broad fields, which includes the first report of West Nile virus in the northern hemisphere (Science 1999).
理查德•弗兰切博士是正大集团中国地区动物健康诊断副总裁。他是一名兽医病理学家,曾担任贝克尔学院动物研究学院的院长。弗兰切博士于美国伊利诺伊大学获得博士学位。他在小动物领域工作了多年后选择重新返回学校继续深造,获得了寄生虫学硕士和神经病理学博士学位,并完成解剖病理学住院医。弗兰切博士是康涅狄格大学的终身教授,曾在康涅狄格兽医诊断实验室担任病理学家。而后曾担任过新罕布什尔兽医诊断实验室主任。弗兰切博士是美国农业部国家动物卫生应急联盟的成员,并服务于国内国际疾病暴发事件。在过去的13年,他在纽约普拉姆岛动物疾病中心曾担任国外动物疾病培训班讲师。他主要研究兴趣是动物和公共卫生中的新发人畜共患病和跨界疾病。他发表许多出版物, 涉及广泛领域,其中包括西尼罗河病毒在北半球的第一份报告(1999 科学杂志)。