Dr. HanSoo Joo is a Professor in the University of Minnesota Swine Group. He has been teaching Swine Diseases for veterinary students, and conducting basic and applied research on swine viral diseases for over 30 years. His research has been on understanding pathogenesis, development of diagnostic methods, control measures and vaccines for different viral diseases including PRRS, Swine Influenza, PCV2, PED, PRV and others. During the last 15 years, he has traveled to China many times working for Chinese swine veterinarians and producers as a consultant of the US Grains Council. Currently he is under a phase retirement program at the University of Minnesota and working as consultants for swine companies in South Korea, China, Thailand and other countries.
朱 汉首博士是明尼苏达大学养猪小组的教授。30年来,他一直教授兽医学生课程-猪疾病学,并开展猪病毒性疾病的基础和应用研究工作。他的研究领域为了解发病 机理,开发诊断方法,不同的病毒性疾病,包括蓝耳病,猪流感,PCV2,PED,PRV的控制措施和免疫。在过去的15年里,他作为美国谷物协会的顾问多 次到中国与中国养猪兽医和生产者进行合作。目前,他正处于美国明尼苏达大学阶段退休计划中,并在韩国,中国,泰国的养猪公司里担任顾问。