Dr. Shih-Ping Chen is Director of Agriculture Technology Research Institute in Taiwan. He is the Project Leader of the production medicine team which provides consulting services, continue education, and a website with information for pig production and health management to Taiwanese farmers and veterinarians. His researches are focus on the control, transmission, pathogenesis of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in pig-adapted strain since the first FMD outbreak was found in Taiwan in 1997. His FMD papers were published in journals, such as Vaccine and Veterinary Microbiology, which provide practical methods of routine vaccination and monitoring cases in the farms. Dr. Chen also provides advices in the control and surveillance of FMD cases in Taiwan. He was invited to present his findings in Korea and Japan.
陈世平博士是台湾农业科技研究院协理。他是生产医学项目的主持人,专门为台湾养猪生产者和兽医提供与养猪生产和健康管理方面的咨询服务及继续教育。从 1997年口蹄疫在台湾爆发以来,他一直从事猪口蹄疫病毒的防控、传播、和发病机理的研究。研究成果发表在主要的国际期刊,如《疫苗、兽医微生物杂志》, 为猪场提供常规免疫和监控 的实用方法。陈博士同时为台湾的口蹄疫防控提供建议。 他受邀到韩国及日本就口蹄疫的研究和发现做演讲。