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Swine Industry Expo

2020 Speakers


Peter Davies,

College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota

Dr. Peter Davies received his veterinary degree from the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 1975 and his PhD from the University of Sydney, Australia, in 1983. Peter is a veterinary epidemiologist specializing in infectious diseases of food animals, particularly swine, and has been a Professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, USA, since 2003. His professional experience includes 6 years of clinical veterinary practice in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom; 2 years as a livestock advisor on a rural development project in Pernambuco, Brazil; 4 years as a swine specialist with the Department of Agriculture in Adelaide, South Australia; and 25 years as an academic researcher. He has held endowed chair appointments as the MAF Professor of Food Safety and Public Health, Massey University, New Zealand (2002-2003), and Leman Chair of Swine Health and Production, University of Minnesota (2003-2009). In addition to swine health research, Dr. Davies research has focused on the epidemiology of zoonotic and foodborne pathogens, including antimicrobial resistance, at farm level, to understand the relationships between attributes of the farm environment and management that influence the occurrence of infectious agents, including assessment and mitigation of the associated risks to animals and people. He is an author of over 100 peer-reviewed manuscripts and more the 250 conference papers. Current projects include a longitudinal study of infectious disease risks (MRSA, Influenza A virus, Hepatitis E virus) at the swine-human interface, and understanding antibiotic use practices in the US swine industry. From 2000 – 2007, he was a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the International Research Center for Veterinary Epidemiology in Denmark. He served as a member of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Combatting Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in the USA from 2015 to 2018, and in 2019 received the Howard Dunne Memorial Award for service to the US swine industry and the American Association of Swine Veterinarians.